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WHO’S WHO IN THE HIVE?Complete a maze and help the beehive thrive! Learn while you play. Five fun mazes show your child the roles bees have in the hive.
1> Drag the BUILDER BEE to help her build the Honeycomb Cell.2> Assist the NURSE BEE in feeding hungry Baby Bees.3> Help a DRONE chase a QUEEN BEE.4> Show the ATTENDANT BEE where to feed the Queen Bee. 5> Tilt the maze back and forth as HONEY drips through the honeycomb on its way to the BEE KEEPER!
For more quality screen time, check out the MEMORY MATCH GAME, and the INTERACTIVE Bee Keeper Game.
BeeAmazed! is based on life science. Interactive play is educational, and our aim is to spark curiosity about bees and their importance in nature. For additional learning, simply touch the sun at the top of each screen. More text pops up with key teachings to help you guide your child into more content and information.
BEES HAVE MANY IMPORTANT ROLES:• The Forager Bee leaves the hive to find food. She's skilled in collecting pollen into tiny pollen baskets on her legs. She slurps up nectar through her tongue, also called the proboscis. • The Builder Bee builds the honeycombs, and you can too! In the first maze, touch the screen and help the Builder Bee build the honeycomb. Complete the maze and watch bees fill the honeycomb cells with honey, made in their own bodies with consumed pollen and nectar.• Nurse Bees feed the babies. Some babies get a special white liquid called “royal jelly.” These babies grow up to be Queen Bees.• Did you know Drone Bees are the only males in the hive? They fly outside to find and chase a Queen Bee from another hive. A Queen Bee rarely exits a hive. She spends most of her life inside the beehive having babies and keeping the hive healthy and strong.
Amazing Bees!
We added some simple features to optimize this app for children with autism spectrum disorder after consulting with Behavioral Therapists who work with autistic children. Touch the flowers on the Main Menu and play the learning animations many times over and over. Also, on the Navigation Bar, the Right Arrow auto completes each activity.